Define Your Story Amidst the Chaos
How do we deal with life in a post-pandemic world? In the aftermath of such a collective event, our lives have changed for good. We’ve each confronted our mortality, fragility, and vulnerability, a process that’s gathered us closer to nature and closer together.
Our fears and concerns, alongside our hopes and dreams, coexist within us. But how we define those powerful emotions as we move toward the future is up to each of us. Asking, “Why story? Why now?” spurs us toward a genuine relationship with ourselves—toward reaching our full potential.
Is Now the Time?
Does your story have urgency for you yet? Once you know why you want to use the power of story to be fulfilled, make a difference, or find meaning, the urgency to move forward will naturally follow.
Shift Your Perspective
My Process
Personal transformation requires steadily focusing on your innermost being instead of letting your internal narrative define itself around emotions like fear, anger, guilt, and resentment. Through the vehicle of listening and storytelling, my method will help you take a break from routine and explore your life as a territory filled with possibility.
During our time together you will:
- Separate yourself from the habitual mental formations that keep you stuck.
- Learn to listen to yourself with an open mind and open heart.
- Tell a new story that allows you to see your life differently.
Enter an uncharted territory of your consciousness where you are connected to yourself, all other living beings, and a greater spiritual awareness. Seek to discover something new. Dislodge the stories that bring you pain and suffering, and replace them with those that renew your vitality every time you tell them.
Become the Person You Want to Be
Embrace your story and your why in order to…

Recenter Your Gaze
By learning to identify your turbulent emotions and letting them go, you will develop a steady and awakened inner gaze.

Master Your Challenges
With practice, you will increasingly master the challenges of your life with a relaxed mind and open heart.

Experience Freedom
Opening the gateway to your inner journey through story will help you gain freedom from habitual negative patterns for a genuine sense of place and purpose.

Cultivate Gratitude
By recognizing the preciousness of life, you will cultivate gratitude and appreciation for your life, no matter the circumstances.
You Aren’t Alone
The Power of “Why Story? Why Now?
“I appreciate what Murray says about creating your own container for listening to your own story. I've benefited so much, even just in one conversation, thinking about how to bring a more loving container to my own internal monologues—how to shift that narrative.”
“Anxiety is often about the hyper-analytical meta-processing of what you're doing. I've been conscious of late of how I'm listening to my own internal talking, but not certain about even asking the question of how I could do it differently. So I like the idea that part of it is not shifting the telling, because that's just more words—it's shifting the shape of the internal listening. That seems helpful as a concept and a path.”
Sarah Stillman
MacArthur Foundation "Genius" Award; Staff Writer, The New Yorker; Teaching Faculty, Yale School of Journalism

“Three members of our family—my mother, my daughter, and me—were transformed by the opportunity to work with Murray. It is remarkable to tell what happened. It forces those of us who are too intellectual to look around. It forces people who are fixed in a negative space to accept that reality might be different. And it helps young people hold their ground in the face of whatever opposition and confusion are out there.”
Mindy Fullilove
How to Work With Me
Community Transformation & My Group Masterclass
Whether your story impacts a broader community or only yourself, my listening and storytelling method can apply.
If you want to enhance your connections, experience growth alongside like-minded students, or walk away with the skills you need to transform your community, learn more about how I work with clients below.

About Me
My work has its roots in a listening and storytelling method that I created at the peak of the AIDS epidemic in New York City over 25 years ago. I forged this method in the trenches as a way to provide dying patients with a sacred space in which to tell their stories.
Today, I walk my clients through my listening and storytelling process as a tool to uncover their deepest potential. My work in the various sectors of psychology, film, academia, and community transformation all come together to support my work as I help individuals and organizations find their story and discover why they need to tell it now.